Monday, April 25, 2011

Another day

Well, at least it's a "day". Went out with Miss Kosongggg. X)
And I'm bloated.Lol

I actually googled some fun facts cuz....yeah I'm too

  • If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee.
  • Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.
  • Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (And who'll try this ==)
  • The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
  • Polar bears are left handed. (so they write? lol)
  • A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
  • An ostrich's eye is bigger that it's brain. (O.o)
  • The fingerprints of koala bears are virtually indistinguishable from those of humans, so much so that they could be confused at a crime scene.
  • Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time. (*blink blink)
  • A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue. (
  • The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." uses every letter in the alphabet.
  • 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
  • Men can read smaller print than women; women can hear better than men. (this explains why women gossip a lot.XD )
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. (electric conducter..?)
  • The cruise liner Queen Elizabeth II, moves only six inches for each gallon of fuel that it burns.
  • Most lipstick contains fish scales. (no wonder it stinks *pinch nose)
  • Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear trousers. (LOL)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Sometimes when the emotion is here you just wish to do something like...snap/cut, then totally giving up.

But I won't do that.Cuz I know it's not easy to start all over again.
A single word/sentence can alter my emotions like, seriously. Yeah blame myself. I mean, helloooooooooo, girls are sensitive.

By the way, I'm growing mushrooms.==

Saturday, April 23, 2011


You know what, I actually have a loooooonggggg wishlist planned before my finals. Like, yeah super duper very long. And now, thanks to the stupid weather (sorry for that but I still love Penang lol) and and and my wisdom tooth again. Gah. Flu is basically enough to torture me & now my dear wisdom tooth started to ache again. ==

So I went to the dental clinic this afternoon.

Dentist: Oh wisdom tooth ar..yes yes will cause fever.Open your mouth please?
Me: aaaaaa
Dentist: Aiyoo your wisdom tooth like cauliflower le.
Me: O.O (Don't you have a better description other than that.==)
Dentist: ....bla bla bla..need surgical removal dy.
Me: O...kayyyyyyy...
Dentist: No worries it's just a minor surgery.
Me: S-u-r-g-e-r-y. *gulp*

God bless me.I still want to eat eat eat. *fingers cross.

By the way, found one amazing video just now.Click here.
Kinda addicted to songs by glee. I think I'm a bit outdated. Who cares? ;)

Friday, April 22, 2011


幼稚园,小学, 中学, 到现在,真的好像眼睛眨一眨就过去了。
2009 年的十二月尾考完试还在lengan-lengan, 以后的事?以后再说啦。
一月, 开始紧张了,有些朋友去了学院读书,我叻?酱咯。
二月三月, 心里有那么一点怕怕,我的未来会是怎样?
四月头, 竟然中了 Jpa interview? 想到心里还抱这那么一点点的希望,哈。还不知道人才满街都是叻。天真到~
四月中,wah, 中matrik 啊。想到matrik 就想到一堆包头的。还嘴硬,说大学也是酱啦。其实我根本不想离乡背井,很痛苦叻。没办法啦,命运吗,“你以为酱容易中啊”。忘了谁跟我说的。ok lor, 去就去。

进到房里, 看到一堆不认识的人,想到还有十个月,我的天。
就这样的,过了难熬的 orientation week, 开始了上课,下课,做功课,洗衣的生活。 还记得第一堂课就是 physics。爬到lab 的最顶楼,还要听包头的讲废话 (我不是种族歧视,就不习惯),超不爽的。
终于如愿的换去 life science, 不用对着 physics。谢天谢地。
去到了Moral 课,看到还有酱多的非地球王子,aiya, 怕什么。

还记得第一次生病发烧,整个人瘫在床上动也不动的,不敢跟妈讲。怕她over-reacted 了又失眠,何必叻。就一直灌水吃药,人生中第一次吃酱多粒 panadol , 我的肝。==
还好有个heko 一直跑来和我换水放布,很快就好了。^^

最难忘的应该就是 Moral sketch 时候吧。谁会想到给那个羽球网盖了那么一下就 allergy。==


有人问我,恋爱的滋味是怎样的。我没次都说,就这样咯。谁知道我心里是多么烦的,功课一堆要做,书又一堆要读。不过慢慢的也都习惯了,还好有个他,天天跟我说要 positive positive,考试前压力大到要哭了,陪我吃冰淇淋,给我骂给我打,才甘愿乖乖读书。不然早就崩溃了。=X
还有两个heko ,不高兴就找她们讲话,酸来酸去,射来射去,吵完就读书,一起讨论功课,爽就出去走走吹吹风,心情就超好的。
还要谢谢爸妈姐时不时来看我,有好料吃! XD

就酱的,过了十个月,里头有酸,有甜,有苦,有辣。有幸认识到了一班好友, 天天打打闹闹,解了一些思乡之苦,也习惯了和其他人在一起的生活。

每次考完试回家,要回到学校时都痛苦万分,多想时间快点过,就可以回家了。现在竟然想念了那个森林,那里的人事物,眼泪好像要掉要掉的。毕竟那里让我看开了,让我更爱我的家人,更让我觉得没什么事是大不了的。人真的要对得起天地良心,有些事, 错过了,就再也回不了头;有些话, 说出口了,就在也回收不了。

我可不可以回森林? :'(

Friday, April 15, 2011

Home sweet home..soon

I'm supposed to be studying Chemistry now.*slaps

5 days and 2 more papers to home sweet home. Yeah seriously can't wait to get home but somehow I wish that time can stop for now.At least a while? lol.

Human are weird. Things are only appreciated when they're losing it.
Ups and is just like a roller coaster.
I have no idea why I get emo easily all the time.== My sensitivity is to be blamed.=X
This is the place where all the sweet and bitter memories mixed up.Minds are broaden, relationships strengthen. I love my family more than ever.

And, trust no one except yourself. ;)