Sunday, July 31, 2011


I have no idea what is wronggg with me. I had a hard time falling asleep at night for almost one weeeek. Even though Im extremely tired and got a terrible headache but still...can't sleep. Sigh.

Blame my extra super sensitive ears. I need a zero-sound-pollution environment to sleep. *To my future room mates please please please don't snoreeeee at night. =X I will go crazy and start pulling hair. Lol.
Music doesn't help much either. And the next day I'll be super sleepy and mood all gone. Terrible.

Let me have a good night sleep tonight please? =/

Friday, July 22, 2011

Penang Hill

I had never been to Penang hill before. Er..maybe when I was a kid. I don't know. And Im super excited when I found out that the weather up there is coldddd. Lol
By the way, only RM4 for me. Student price. :D

Peace-stroyer. :)

Dream house! lol

I want to go again! Who wanna join me? Hee ;)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


You can't blame people to be selfish at times, it's the natural law of survival.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oh please.

Seriously, this country is producing students with the ability to memorise. Not think. No soft skills. Attitude sucks. No difference with a study machine. Pardon me for my word choice. It's just getting worse.

Look at the English level. Graduates are unemployed cause of their "excellent" level of English. Yeah you maybe be one of those who got an A/B in English but in real life? It's a F.
Communication skills. Please lah. Use your tiny little brain to think. It's a TWO WAY communication. Don't just talk and ignoring what the other party are doing. Think wisely, talk properly. Look at the timing when you talk. Is it APPROPRIATE to talk or not.

What's the point of having Moral Education since primary school? You know what. The SPM syllabus require all the candidates to memorise 36 moral value plus their definitions-WORD BY WORD. One word wrong or missing, even though the meaning is the same, you got ZERO marks for it. Isn't this stupid?! Thanks for making my memory skills better then. ==

Yes student nowadays are stress. Why? Because they need to squeeezeeee everything in their brain! If you manage to squeeze those in, and vomit it all out during exam, and you got straight A's. Tada! You are such a "bright" student.

I only see presentations and assignments are kinda like important in Matriculation level. Well at least the marks are counted with our finals. The english lecturers keep asking us to think out of the box, don't just copy everything from the internet. But what to do? We are so well-trained to be copy cats. Well not all but, majority.
I keep telling my juniors that co-curriculum are important. No one will listen I guess. Because people assume that the more A's you got, the more you're going to be success in your future. It had been the trend for so long. Unless they gonna do something about this.

How I wish I could write this in my essays. No choice. Better just shut up and be a "bright" student then. Malaysia boleh. :)

Monday, July 18, 2011


Jpa or ptptn? I don't mind with the 10 years bonding actually but if I am going into specialist it's gonna add another 10 years?! By the time I will be like..40 over? *cough. Headache man. =/

Ok..ok. Everything will be fine. Hopefully.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Friday the 15th

Im not that happy actually. But at least it's what I want. Some of them actually got those lelong courses and part of the sixth-formers got nothingg. O.O
So yeah Im grateful. :)
Something which pissed me off is that most of the KMJ's people are getting UM medic. NONE of us from KMNS got UM medic. Yes N-O-N-E. See that. Nice.

Well looking at the bright side, it's my second choice. There's like a biggg gang of people from KMNS got into UKM. And less ragging cases? LOL I don't know. Ok Im still happy. X)

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Currently preparing for the Perdana University interview. It somehow reminds me when I'm preparing for the JPA interview 2 years back. I'm really proud of myself that time for memorising so many information and news, like....brain drain issues, petrol price, public transport, medicine field..oh forget it. Useless.

And now..only 50 scholarships available. Yeshhhh F-I-F-T-Y. I feel like giving up already when filling in the application form. That one week is sooo suffering man. It's like a devil asking me to give up and the angel saying no. == Ok. No harm trying right. Everything is fated. Just do my best then. :)

Upu results tomorrow. *Fingers crossed. Um um um! X)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


How the hell I can survive by doing nothing for almost....2 months?! I miss my old self in the jungle soooo badly. =(

The one who:

-Will feel guilty for a 10 minutes nap.
-Pia-ing bio when eating.
-Disturb her room mate whenever she feels like she's going crazy soon.
-Proud that she's able to make it for 7.30am class even though she wake up at 7.25am. =X
-Hug her room mate everyday
-Starve herself until finish reading a chapter/subtopic.
-Able to sms/eat/talk/take picture in class/lecturer hall without being noticed. lol
-Keep walking to A4.1.10 for almost everyday.
-Enjoy walking to class

The jungle changed me. A lot. :)