Sunday, December 1, 2013

Surgery posting

Entering the third week of surgery posting, and no, it's not like the picture above. Entering the OT to us is a waste of time. You don't understand what's going on and ended up just stand far far away
like a wallpaper. In fact I feel that surgery is more stressful than O&G because there's a lot to read and basically you go to ward everyday and wandering around to look for procedures. The unfriendly nurses with keep telling you no when you asked whether is there any. =/
So...if you are lucky then you will have at least few signatures on your log book and if you are are back with an empty brain.
Andddddd there's 2 LONG case write up to be done. T.T
Totally agree with what she said. Time to have a neholi's jar of happiness. :)

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